Renowned UK producer and DJ Oliver Dene Jones, more commonly known as Skream, has made his reemergence with his moving new single, "Thinking Of You."
A decade since the last chapter of Skreamizm, "Thinking Of You" is a percussive UK Garage masterpiece, accompanied by a delicate organ melody and resonating piano chords as Skream lends his own spoken word vocals to the track, turning it into a heartfelt creation that strikes a chord with listeners.
Stemming from a voicemail recorded during the second lockdown, capturing Skream's raw emotions and musings, what began as a personal reflection transformed into an instrumental UK Garage composition that gracefully carries Skream's spoken words. The honesty and sincerity of "Thinking Of You" mirror his initial sentiments, making it an authentic and resonating piece that stands out in Skream's sets since its creation. Speaking about the inspiration behind the track, Skream shares,
"Initially I recorded Thinking Of You as a voicemail during the second lockdown, maybe feeling a bit emotional, waiting to get back into society. My son was starting high school, and I was thinking about the pressures kids face, especially after what they went through during lockdown."
As the track evolved, Skream's contemplations extended to the challenges of being a teenager, reflecting on his own experiences and the stresses of navigating social dynamics during adolescence. The essence of "Thinking Of You" embodies these sentiments, a relatable tribute to the transformative years of youth. Skream's desire to share this message prompted him to send it as a voice note to friends who were new parents. While some demos returned, it was Skream's own rendition that best captured the intended emotion, leading to the creation of "Thinking Of You."